Better For You - Better For the Planet
Natural, ethical and eco-friendly products for the home and body.
Healthy home, healthy family, healthy planet.

A little bit more...
View the blogFeed your body, warm your soul with our simple Winter comfort cauliflower soup!
Raw Cottage Simple Winter Comfort Cauliflower Soup There’s something to be said about the warmth and comfort brought on by a warm bowl of soup on a cold Winter’s day… it nourishes the body and feeds the soul. This really...
Ten perfect Mother’s Day Gift Ideas in 2020

Better for you and better for the planet.
That’s our aim here at Raw Cottage; to find simple alternatives that will help you on your quest to living a healthier, more natural, simpler life.
Our fast-paced lives often get in the way of healthy living and the world has spent a few decades forgetting to care for our environment and all those who live in it. Be it through toxic chemicals, plastics, fillers or general polluters, things definitely went too far in the wrong direction. Not only has this caused damage to this beautiful planet of ours, but people have started experiencing illness and disease which were scarcely found previously.
The great news is that things are changing and people are realising the importance of healthy living for our health and our planet!
There are so many better options available to us now; many of them quite beautiful; all we have to do is make the commitment and start.
Start with one small change and you will want to keep going… many small changes make a big impact; what change will you make today for a better tomorrow?